
Friday, January 7, 2011

Travel sucks...

That was the longest two days of my LIFFEE.  Great travel day today, ha. Everything went fine until the baby next to me kept me awake all the way from Chicago to London, so no sleep for Cory on the overnight.  Then I can't sleep in the Heathrow airport, well because thats just kind of sketchy, I don't want to get all of my stuff stollen while I snooze.  So there's a solid six and a half hours of no sleep.  Sweeeett! I did sleep the entire one and a half hour flight from London to Geneva, and believe me it was great.  Then I get off the plane go through customs, a breeze believe it or not, and go to baggage claim.  No if running on one and a half hours of sleep wasn't bad enough, I get to baggage claim only to discover that none of my stuff really made it to Geneva from London.  AWESOME!  So  here I am in Geneva, no skis, no clothes, boots and helmet check, but nothing else.  Shane has been waiting for me since eleven o'clock (turns out he got there around three) and my flight was a little bit late, just to add some icing onto the cake.  So I am standing in line at the baggage services desk staring aimlessly around the baggage claim area pondering how I was going to sort this mess out, and what do I spy on the back of a luggage trolly, but my ski bag. I must have looked insane, I jumped out of line and flagged down the trolley driver and grabbed my bag off the top.  I now have skis, poles, boots, helmet, goggles, and my jackets and pants.  Good enough to ski.  Long story short, my ski bag went on an earlier flight than mine from London to Geneva, and my duffle bag took the next later flight after mine.  I got there right in-between them.  How funny is that?  So Shane and I are in a hotel somewhere south of Bern, Switzerland.  We really aren't sure exactly where we are, but we are headed in the right direction, and within a stones throw of the highway we want to take to Germany, so I guess we aren't too bad off.  Tomorrow we will start the drive and see how far we get, should be a fun day.  I am looking forward to racing, World Cup opener is just a few days away!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you both made it Geneva! Wishing you both safe travels and fast skiing.
