
Monday, May 17, 2010


Well, for me, technology has played a huge part in my life, as well as created a whole new world for me to live in, an alternate reality of sorts. Before I had all the technology, a computer, an ipod, a cell phone, all that other stuff, travel was a difficult task to suffer through. The endless plane rides and 18 hour car rides to Michigan were horrible. I would sleep through half the trip, and read the other half. I had to bring two or three books just to keep me occupied through the entire trip. Talk about trouble. Then, when we finally arrived at our destination I had no way of keeping in touch with all of my friends back home, I was gone, fallen off the side of the earth to them. Now with the advent of social networking sites such as Facebook, not only can I keep in touch while I am gone, but I can also keep in touch with the people who I meet when I travel. The ability to maintain long distance friendships across an ocean is incredible! The people I meet there are more than just people who I know, they are people who I talk with frequently, real friends! This is something that I place a high value on. The ability to communicate is something that I have certainly never had trouble doing in person, and now, have no problem doing 24/7. Maybe I am just another member of the technology generation, that is true, but I am also a member of what I like to call the "Maximizing Potential" club. If I can do it, the by golly I am going to do it. There is no point to purchasing a new computer with all sorts of incredible capabilities, and then plugging it into the wall and letting it sit there collecting dust while you go on living your plane old life. I think that access to technology is something that is going to become more and more popular, even more so than it already is. Our culture is going to have to learn to embrace technology and all that it can do for us. In the coming years we are going to see more and more people in the older generations using the newest technology and staying up to date. The attitude towards technology is going to see a huge shift from "its a tool", to "it is a critical part of our life." If you thought were in the technology age now, just wait, we have only just begun.

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