
Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Wow, it has been the most hectic yet laid back day of travel I have ever had. After Iceland, I hoped on a quick jet to Oslo, only 2.5 hours. I met up with the rest of the ski team at the baggage pick up in Oslo. From there we bought train tickets and then the fun really started....we waited three hours for our train to leave. at around 14:45 (2:45) our train pulled in, and we loaded four bags and four very large ski bags onto the train car in, oh, about 15 seconds. No sooner had the last person stepped onto the train did the doors shut. Time for some more fun! A 5 hour train ride from Oslo to Durbin, where we took skis off the train in record time, only to carry them across the platform and load them right onto a new train. That train ride was only an hour....thank god. We were the only people who got of in Bjorli, the first place we are racing. Only one catch to the only only ones, well along with the Slovenian team that we met in Oslo,we were the only ones at a tiny train station in the middle of Norway, fun I know...did I mention that there was a foot of snow on the ground? ONly the better to slow us down and soak us to the core while we waited for a hotel shuttle to pick us up, but now finally i am safe and sound in Norway after a long day of travel. Training runs tomorrow and maybe a little jog in the am, that doesn't look very likely though, its snowing like a banshee outside!!! WOOOOO!!!!


  1. How big is the town at Bjorli? You can't see it on Google Earth; it's covered in a huge white cloud. Or is that snow???

  2. Sounds like your experience so far has been amazing (except forgetting your camera cord). Look forward to reading about more of your adventures. Happy skiing! All the best, Coach Innes

  3. wow cory sounds like your having an interesting time on your adventure. i hope you continue to have a good time. its ashame you forgot your stuff for your camera, but atleast you fixed that problem. well have fun skiing and good luck against the Europeans. lots of luck, lav dog.

  4. Cory. Sounds like you are having an amazing but hectic time so far. I'm jealous of your snow and cold weather; we could use a bit more of that here. Will your travels back to the US be as hectic as it was to arrive in Norway? Good luck in skiing. What is the time difference from here to Norway?

    P.S. You missed epic Pep last night. We missed you... :( Vinny is basically dead today. hahah

  5. We finally started getting some of our lost snow back. Hopefully it will be good for our 2 races tomorrow at Cannon.

  6. Cory!!! Ahh dude it sounds like you're having a blast! Hectic is always exciting... Yea hopefully you don't pull another Vinny and find you've forgotten something important, like your wax or something! haha ;) Agreeing with Julia that you missed an amazing pep band game the other night... Vinny said he might join Facebook just to join our group! Oh and our spag dinner? Probably only slightly less hectic than your travel adventures...

  7. So far there isnt much I have forgotten yet, and Bjorli is tiny, there is a grocery store, a gas station, some houses, and a ski resort, pretty much like Francoina, except there a far fewer residents. Its cozy :)

  8. Hey Cory! This really does seem like quite the adventure. May it continue to bring good learning and great fun. Did you mention that there was a French team over there?

    Bonjour, Cory ! Tu as rencontré des français à Bjorli ? Est-ce que tu pratique le français avec eux ? Ou bien, est-ce qu’ils te parle en anglais ?
    Bonne chance sur les pistes de ski ! Les sœurs ici au Mont Sacré-Cœur pries pour toi tous les jours!

    À bientôt !

    Sœur Monique
